2010년 10월 25일 월요일

F1 handle

About F1 machine

620kg. lighter than Matize
$10,000,000. One F1 machine price tag
5s. Need 5 seconds 0-200km/h, M3 runs 0-100km aound 5s, not 0 to 200km
18,000. F1 engine's max RPM. Lamborghini Murcielago, up to 8,000rpm
2400. 2400cc engine is enough to run a machine. Same size as Honda Accord.

This is F1 handle.

Every motion, every function, and every condition can be handled with the F1 handle. As you see the handle, displays on the top show every situation on the circuit. Center display indicates shift, circles above the display shows RPM, and many dials change settings as differential lock or oil setting.

Click to more information http://blog.naver.com/taelimk1?Redirect=Log&logNo=40066370402

2010년 10월 22일 금요일


I'm now facing a crisis.

Loose my power.

2010년 8월 27일 금요일

meat + eating = meating

Men's meat party in Yongpyeong resort.

A simple men's vacation for a night.

Thanks for Kyuho.

The air was cool enough and a refreshing breeze was blowing.

Getting around campfire remind me of the party at Yoonsun's house in Woodland.

These days, I could not do anything and failed everything. I felt just like got stuck in the deep swamp.

I would like to stay just for days in a peaceful place to concentrate my idea.

Bless me!

2010년 7월 14일 수요일

Stanford university

One of the best university in the world.

Top private university in California.

Stanford is easily accessible from throughout San Francisco Bay area.

Stanford is located in Palo Alto and is in the heart of "Silicon Valley".

Every time visiting Stanford I was completely taken by the campus.

I love roman-style buildings. It is the best gorgeous campus I have ever been.

Stanford is not only famous for beautiful campus, it is also famous for Rodin's sculpture.

You can touch and enjoy great masterpieces.

This is an obvious difference between US and colleges in Korea. All the lawns and arts in Korea keep out of the public.

Go Stanford graduate school??

2010년 7월 9일 금요일

Trail1 Sowol-gil

Walking on the Sowol-gil(street) is my favorite trail.

In Fall season, thousands of yellow leaves shed on the Sowol-gil and this street is famous for its fall beauty.

Every night, you can see buildings on Hangang-ro street and Hangang Bridge in the distance.

Seeing with naked eyes gives you much better night view.

Walking from the Namsan library to Hyatt hotel is my recommendation. (i mean Hyatt direction, not to Hyatt hotel)

2010년 7월 5일 월요일


My building designer friend.

We gave Jubari a hearty send off.

We will get US basement in CA :-)

2010년 7월 1일 목요일

Redwood national park

I camped in Redwood national park which has been designated a world heritage site. Personally, I was fully satisfied with the camp. You know, without experience there is no way to know how Americans stay in and manage a national park. Camping for days under huge trees was great.

Redwood national park is located in northern California. The park is famous for tallest and massive trees on Earth. Some trees are over 110m. The majestic trees make up California's Redwood national park.

US 101 passes through the park which is 550km north of San Francisco. One of the scenic route US 101 runs along the Pacific coast of the United States and the scenery is somewhat primitive in comparison with CA-1 route's.

Somewhat more humid than South California and pretty chilly even in Summer. We had to gather firewoods at night.

2010년 6월 25일 금요일

Public Art

In human history, human beings have expressed their imagination, feeling, and fear by drawing, sculpture, and dancing. Drawing figures on the cave's wall is an early stage of the art form. From wall paintings of the cave to graffiti, humans hav
e made works by expressing their mind.

Art not only has an individual purpose, but has a public purpose. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Gauguin, Gogh, Picasso, Roy Lichtenstein, and many artists contribute to the world. Their devotions and endeavors might be possible to create masterpieces and the works proved the ability of humans.

Public art has been planned in a public space,
usually outside and accessible to all.

Seoul Square, Seoul

University of Stanford, Rodin sculpture


New York



Public art makes a better place and an attractive city.

2010년 6월 19일 토요일

State Route 1 from SF to LA

An amazing route that starts on California's picturesque west coast and reaches into the state's mountainous heart.

If someone ask me what the best way is to see California, I would like to say driving along route 1 which passes through San Francisco and Orange County. State Route 1 is famous for running by beautiful pacific coastline.

It is about 9hr from SF to LA and passing through the seaside towns of Monterey, Santa Monica, and Malibu.

Right after passing through Carmel, Route1 meets the cliffs of Big Sur. The Big Sur section is an official National Scenic Byway.

2010년 6월 18일 금요일

From Lawrence hall to bay area

Lawrence hall of science is a hidden place to see whole bay area.

Seeing the sun set behind the bayarea is amazing.

San Francisco, Berkeley, Goldengate bridge, Bay bridge....

Go to University of California, Berkeley and see bay area.

Lamborghini Murciélago Taxi :)

Fancy, sexy, harsh, lavish, noisy car that is Murcielago which one is a flagship model of Lamborghini.

Let's take a Lamborghini taxi :)

How much do I pay a basic rate for Lamborghini taxi ??

Yahoo Korea

Jun. 17. 2010

Walking on the Teheran street with coffee

Carrying a laptop for presentation
Sweating sweating

10th floor Yahoo cafeteria

So tired not much sleep in these days

Hope to see you again Yahoo! :)

2010년 6월 14일 월요일

World Cup at CGV Apgujeong

Jun. 12. 2010

I went to CGV Apgujeong to see a big match, not to see a movie.

I have no idea a movie theater can change a place to broadcast a football match!

Big screen made a bigger victory.

S. Korea swept Greece out.

S. Korea continued to push forward with a series of incisive moves.

Park Jisung goal!!

It was a perfect game.

2010년 6월 12일 토요일

Hot pink bimmer 7

Pic was taken in San Francisco

A black woman was wearing hot pink fur with hot pink bimmer. lol

How do I follow black bros' keen senses

With hot pink wheels

Do you have another yellow fur with yellow Maybach ?..?

Heavenly ski resort excursion

Jan. 10. 2009

It's been a while we were in Heavenly Mountain Resort.

Heavenly resort is located on California-Nevada border in Sierra Nevada's Lake Tahoe.

You can see CA-NV border on the peak. Some slopes are in NV and others are in CA.

It is the highest ski resort I have experienced in my life, with the highest elevation of 3068m.

Seeing Tahoe and skiing. More than perfect!!

Watching Lake Tahoe from gondola lift. Tahoe's surface elevation is over 2,000m

Pic with friends in gondola

In loving memory of Heavenly

Another pic of Lake Tahoe at sunset

I'm a snowboarder and only. Somewhat steep and narrow slopes are not for boarders.

I have never seen so beautiful a lake and an impressive scene with skiing still remain inside my heart.

2010년 6월 10일 목요일

Landscape Graphic 2010 Spring


Finally, Landscape Graphic course was over.

It seemed like 6 credit course not just 3 credit.

Digital images didn't scan well my design works,

I put all my effort into the portfolio work though. Damn it!

Too blurrrrr. Where were all my colors going to?

Last work of the course

Drawing a ground plan on 3/24

Landscape grapic is the best course.

Sometimes it took a class at outside with coffee. I have never taken a class like this in my college life.

It stimulates your lost emotional potential.

2010년 6월 9일 수요일

Bongeunsa temple

May 21 2010 Buddha's birthday ceremony

Bongeunsa temple is one of the key temples in Korea and the biggest one in Seoul. It gives opportunity for foreigners to experience temple stay in downtown Seoul.

Every time I come to here, I get special feeling.

The circumstances represents a striking contrast to its surroundings. Tall and modern buildings all arounds. However, it is obviously calm and peaceful.

Anyway I got extraordinary feeling on the day. It was gorgeous and exotic!

Humourous fish light

Thousands of dipamkara light up night

A variety of colors were floating and kindled the sky

It is super nice beyond what you think. Modern buddhist design looks great.

Go to Bongeunsa temple on Buddha's birthday. It worth it!!

2010년 6월 6일 일요일

Trinity Garden

I went to Shinsegae's flagship department store yesterday :)

The distinctive feature of the store is it has several arts. You can see some masterpiece of sculptures like Joan Miro as well as Louise Bourgeois. A roof garden Trinity looks like Leeum museum because you can see Louise Bourgeois's spider.

It is not a spacious roof garden

This is Joan Miro's sculpture

Great artists with no payment!! :)

2010년 6월 4일 금요일

Odesan hiking

I and Song were going to Odesan(mountain) right after falling heavy snow in Gangwon-do(province). Odaesan is spread out across Gangneung-si, Hongcheon-gun, and Pyeongchang-gun in Gangwon-do.

We took a traditional route that starts from Sangwonsa temple to Birobong peak(1563m). Travel time abour 5hr.

Awesome snow covered mountains! See a vivide ridge!

Tons of snow in 09/10 winter!

An adorable scene at the peak was beyond description!

Don't forget to bring climbing irons and don't drive rear wheel drive motor on the snow!!
You may see hell with your uncontrollable car.